sportential trainer is delivering a talk to secondary school studentstrainer of sportential is doing a sharing workshop to a group of secondary school students for career planning


预防,是比治疗、训练更好的进步方法!为了变得更好、更健康,Sportential 会开办不同类形的讲座及工作坊防止伤患及提升训练效率,令大家更了解运动,拥有运动员的健康身体。


预防,是比治疗、训练更好的进步方法!为了变得更好、更健康,Sportential 会开办不同类形的讲座及工作坊防止伤患及提升训练效率,令大家更了解运动,拥有运动员的健康身体。

↼ 伤患工作坊 ⇀

•⁠ ⁠了解问题成因
•⁠ 预防及受伤处理
•⁠ 重点复康训练运动
•⁠ ⁠主题例子:前十字韧带复康、足髁拗伤(拗柴)

sportential therapist to applying rigid tape to the knee of a client
a patient is doing ankle stability training in sportential training studio and clinic

↼ 痛症工作坊 ⇀

•⁠ 常见亚健康问题处理,如肩颈绷紧、关节灵活度下降、身体长期乏力
•⁠ 办公室常见痛症问题,如上交叉综合症、椎间盘突出、手腕发麻
•⁠ ⁠纠正不良姿势,如寒背、骨盘前倾、乌龟颈

a patient is doing overhead squat with stick for rehabilitation in sportential training studio and clinic

↼ 运动与训练工作坊 ⇀

•⁠ ⁠周期化训练制订、运动贴扎处理伤患问题
•⁠ ⁠专项运动项目的运动科学(例如:跑步、排球、游泳、篮球、榄球、攀石等)
•⁠ ⁠体验专项运动项目的体能检测(例如:弹跳力、爆发力、冲刺速度、柔韧度)

a female climber doing weighed pull up in sportential training studio and clinic

↼ 生涯规划工作坊 ⇀

Sportential 亦会为学校提供职业导向、分享及体验,务求令中、小学生可以及早正确了解运动知识,发掘自己未来路向。

Sportential giving sharing workshop for the students and athletes
trainer of sportential is doing a sharing workshop to a group of secondary school students for career planning


